If you're looking for forecast data, or just haven't been there for a while, please take a look at weatherobs.com's sister site, wxcharts.com, a forecast data viewer for Europe.
Charts from the 0.01 deg Meteo France Arome model have recently been added, along with CFSR climatology data.
Current conditions | |
Wind | |
Gust | |
Temperature | |
Dew Point | |
Relative Humidity | |
Wind Chill | |
Weather | |
Visibility | |
Surface Pressure | |
Wave | |
Wave Height | |
Wave period | |
Sea Surface Temperature | |
Climate | |
Minimum Temperature | |
Maximum Temperature | |
1hr Precipitation | |
3hr Precipitation | |
6hr Precipitation | |
12hr Precipitation | |
24hr Precipitation | |
Snow depth | |
Aviation | |
Lowest cloud | |
Flight Category |
Units | |
Wind | |
Temperature | |
Surface Pressure | |
Visibility | |
Precipitation | |
Snow depth | |
Cloud base | |
Wave Height | |
Elevation | |
Preferences | |
No. Plotted Markers | |
Map Style | |
Default marker | |
Show Amateur Stations? | |
Show ID on hover? | |
My location | |
Latitude | |
Longitude | |
Zoom level |
Quick Zoom | ||
UK | Baltic | C Europe |
W Med | E Med | Black Sea |
Caspian | Middle East | India |
China | Japan | Malaysia |
Australia | SE Australia | New Zealand |
Gulf of Guinea | W Africa | Morocco |
Caribbean | NE USA | Nova Scotia |
GoM | SE Brazil | Argentina |
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